Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Group Treatment - Jan 23, 2007

Today was the first time in ages I have done a group treatment and not felt sleepy at some point. Instead I felt energised and very in tune with what was happening. With one group treatment I felt a lot in the lower right problem, which was unsurprising given that the subject had been suffering a colon problem. With another, I felt heat over the shoulders.

When it was my turn to be treated, I felt relaxed but did not fall asleep. There were two experiences of note. The first was when my feet were being treated and I felt as if someone were pushing firmly against them. The second was when my back was being treated and I could hear conversation. Spooky, but interesting.

Sunday, 21 January 2007

Treating Colds With Reiki

Or not treating colds, but trying to stop them. When I start to feel blocked or my glands start to swell, I put my hands on them. In three cases, this seems to have retarded the onset of a cold. In one case, I got it anyway, but it's a good hit rate. Sometimes the energy goes to other areas, but sometimes it goes where you hope it will. Who could ask for more.

Stealth Reiki

A friend had a bad shoulder the other day. We had never discussed the fact that I have done reiki. It just never came up, so I was wondering how to help without having to enter into a long discussion. Luckily, the opportunity presented itself when she asked me to rub in some cream to the affected area. I was able to give a bit of reiki, only for a minute or so. By the next day, she was feeling better.

In these situations it is difficult to know what worked best, but it certainly didn't hurt. Having had similar injuries myself, I know that they can last for several days, so it was pleasing that she recovered quickly

Self Treating

I've managed to get in a couple of full self treatments recently. When I have quiet space I start to feel things again. I always have heat under my hands when treating my ribcage, especially on the right side. Occasionally, as I did the other night, I feel movement of energy, which is something I usually feel with other people - or when other people are treating me.

I get a great sense of well being when I have completed a full self treatment - or done any reiki at all. I also enjoy the group treatments, because there is a great sense of peace and energy.

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Using The Noise

Yesterday, I took part in a group treatment. I was thinking about the value of quiet time to concentrate on feeling the energy. Although I can do that when I am doing a self treatment, it is harder to do when you are distracted by the noise of the traffic and the fan.

However, I have found that the best approach is to make that noise work for you - as part of the noise that drowns out other noise. Trying to make it part of the curtain tbat blankets you from other thought can be achieved, though with difficulty.

During the treatment, I could feel heat between my soles and the floor and I was also very aware of heat on various people as I was treating them. Next treatment due in two weeks - I can't wait.

Thursday, 4 January 2007

A Child's Perception Of Reiki

'Mummy, put your hand like that - there, please'. What my daughter was asking was for me to do some reiki on her cut hand. A few weeks earlier, she had commented that my hugs were very warm. Now I realised that she had cottoned on that something happened when I put my hand over hers. At the very least, it felt good.

Through a half hour car journey, she replaced my hand whenever it slipped, positioning it so it was cupping hers without touching the cut. Later, she told me: 'I don't need you to do that any more.'

I quite often give her a warm hug - to calm her down and make her feel good. It is difficult to get a response as you would with an adult, but I can tell when she feels good, because she snuggles in for more. Or she darts off because she's OK.

What is interesting about this is that I have never said to her: 'I'm doing reiki on you.' Instead, I do it while doing the things that most mums do - hugging and touching. So the perception that something is happening is all from her, and she has no preconceptions. At four, everything is still new and exciting. So I think her take on this is very positive.

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Finding A Quiet Space

One of the difficult things about living near a main road is that there is traffic noise at all times of day and night. That means that it can be difficult to find a quiet mental space when doing reiki - and I find that is essential if I am going to concentrate on what I am feeling.

It can be achieved, but it takes some work. I find it useful to focus on light (while my eyes are closed) or to think of something relaxing, such as an empty beach. When I do that, I can feel things. This morning, I tried that and immediately noticed an increased warmth under my right hand in position six. I hadn't been feeling it before, because of being distracted. I think techniques for focusing can be a key part of maximising the experience of practicing reiki.