Thursday, 4 January 2007

A Child's Perception Of Reiki

'Mummy, put your hand like that - there, please'. What my daughter was asking was for me to do some reiki on her cut hand. A few weeks earlier, she had commented that my hugs were very warm. Now I realised that she had cottoned on that something happened when I put my hand over hers. At the very least, it felt good.

Through a half hour car journey, she replaced my hand whenever it slipped, positioning it so it was cupping hers without touching the cut. Later, she told me: 'I don't need you to do that any more.'

I quite often give her a warm hug - to calm her down and make her feel good. It is difficult to get a response as you would with an adult, but I can tell when she feels good, because she snuggles in for more. Or she darts off because she's OK.

What is interesting about this is that I have never said to her: 'I'm doing reiki on you.' Instead, I do it while doing the things that most mums do - hugging and touching. So the perception that something is happening is all from her, and she has no preconceptions. At four, everything is still new and exciting. So I think her take on this is very positive.

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